“We thought that it might be useful if you’re trying to really get kids ready for the 21st century and make sure they’re college and career ready, we should probably at least try and test them with 20th century technology rather than 19th century technology.” says Bruce. “Paper tests have been around forever."Not only will this help get students prepared with 21st century skills, but the turnaround with online testing is much more efficient. However, not all schools have access to a large number of computers or the network capacity for simultaneous testing. Regardless, it is the IDEO's goal for all students to have sufficient computer skills to be able to take an online version of the Common Core assessment in 2014 (Moxley).
A 2012 article from State Impact's website suggests Indiana is now "ahead of the curve" when it comes to online testing. The Indiana Department of Education stated that Indiana is already testing more students online than most states. The ability to test students online was described as "invaluable" because of the quick results that allow schools to quickly identify how many retakes they will have to administer. Although the IDOE sees great value in using technology for assessment, they do not seem to have lost sight of the true goal. The director of college and career readiness from the IDOE said, “It’s great to be able to test online, but we wouldn’t be asking schools to spend so much on technology just for the purpose of assessing. We know that’s how students learn" (Ntiamoah).
I definitely agree with online testing and the benefits discussed in these articles. However, I feel as if the state needs to make more of an effort to get "ahead of the curve" in integrating technology in the classroom for student learning rather than focusing so much on assessment. From personal experience student teaching last semester, the only time teachers seemed to use the computer lab was when they had to do Acuity testing. Teachers signed up for a time slot and took students down to test on math, language arts, social studies, and science. My cooperating teacher did not take students to the computer lab at any other time. The main use of computers in that school was for testing. Eventually they will be using computers for even more testing when ISTEP+ becomes digital as well. The state should make more specific requirements for effectively integrating technology in the classroom....possibly starting with the RISE model. For many veteran teachers who are content with their teaching methods, this may be one of the only ways to ensure technology is being used for more than just standardized tests.
- Moxley, Elle. "Why It Might Not Be A Smooth Transition To Online Standardized Testing After All." State Impact. NPR, 29 June 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <http://stateimpact.npr.org/indiana/2012/06/29/why-it-might-not-be-a-smooth-transition-to-online-standardized-testing-after-all/>.
- Ntiamoah, Eunice. "Indiana Standardized Testing to Be Conducted Online." Indiana Public Media. Indiana University, 10 Nov. 2010. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <http://indianapublicmedia.org/news/indiana-standardized-testing-conducted-online-11249/>.